Chonnam National University prohibits discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, veteran status, and marital or parental status in recruitment or admissions.
2025학년도 후기 모집요강(Admission Guideline for 2025 Fall Semester)
모든 지원자는 모집요강의 정보를 숙지해야할 책임이 있으므로, 지원 전에 반드시 모집요강에서 전형일정, 지원자격, 제출서류 등 모든 내용을 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Please make sure to check all the details in the guideline such as admission schedule, eligibility and required documents before you apply. Applicants are responsible for the acknowledgement of information in the admission guideline.
- 연구실 정보(Research Lab’s Information) :
- 외국인 지원자 참고용 교수 명단(List of professors for International Students : 全南大教授名单) :
- 연구실 정보(Research Lab's Information) :
- 대학원 서식(forms) :