Inbound Programs CAMPUS Asia AIMS Incoming Exchange Students International Summer Session CAMPUS Asia AIMS Korean Language Intensive Program Fact Sheet Courses in English Inbound Programs CAMPUS Asia AIMS Professors/Lab. CAMPUS Asia AIMS 공유하기 복사 TOP Professors/Lab. OverView Programs/Benefits Professors/Lab. Voices of Participants Nomination 참여학과(부) 교수 소개 Jinsoo Park Department Mechanical Engineering E-mail Journal Article(논문) Journal Article(논문) Publications(저역서) Research Project(연구과제) Intellectual Property(지적재산권) Activities(전시 및 작품활동) Award(수상) Conference Paper(학술활동) Issue Date (발행일) Title (제목) Journals (출처) 2021.11.25 Manipulation of cancer cells in a sessile droplet via travelling surface acoustic waves Lab on a Chip 2021.07.23 Antibiotic susceptibility test under a linear concentration gradient using travelling surface acoustic waves Lab on a Chip 2021.08.30 Enhanced Solutal Marangoni Flow using Ultrasound-induced Heating for Rapid Digital Microfluidic Mixing Frontiers in Physics 2021.06.02 Acoustofluidic Separation of Proteins Using Aptamer-Functionalized Microparticles Analytical Chemistry 2020.09.30 Acoustofluidic Generation of Droplets with Tunable Chemical Concentrations Lab on a Chip 2019.10.04 Acousto-microfluidic Separation of Tardigrades from Raw Cultures for Sample Preparation Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2019.01.29 Surface acoustic wave-based micromixing enhancement using a single interdigital transducer Applied Physics Letters 2019.03.11 Microparticle Self-assembly Induced by Travelling Surface Acoustic Waves RSC Advances 2018.08.20 In-Droplet Microparticle Washing and Enrichment Using Surface Acoustic Wave-Driven Acoustic Radiation Force Lab on a Chip 2017.11.30 On-Demand Acoustic Droplet Splitting and Steering in a Disposable Microfluidic Chip Lab on a Chip 2018.06.18 Sheathless Focusing and Separation of Microparticles Using Tilted-Angle Traveling Surface Acoustic Waves Analytical Chemistry 2017.12.22 Vertical Hydrodynamic Focusing and Continuous Acoustofluidic Separation of Particles via Upward Migration Advanced Science 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다. Title (제목) Period (과제기간) Organization (주관기관명) Development of acousofluidic core technology for hydrogel droplet control and its biomedical application 2020.06. ~ 2023.02. National Research Foundation of Korea Advanced medical device research center for cardiovascular disease 2020.06. ~ 2027.02. National Research Foundation of Korea Development of microfluidic technologies for NED separation 2021.03. ~ 2023.02. SAMSUNG DISPLAY Modular Platform for automation and multi-functional integration 2021.01. ~ 2023.12. National NanoFab Center Development of Medical Microrobot Technologies for Commercialization 2022.01. ~ 2022.12. Ministry of Health and Welfare Thermal and Flow Visualization of Microchannel Heat Exchanger and Heat Transfer Enhancement 2021.10. ~ 2022.04. Gwangju-Jeonnam Regional Innovation Platform Gwangju Bitgreen Industrial Complex 2019.10. ~ 2025.06. Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Innovative Research and Education Center for Future Mechanical Engineers 2020.09. ~ 2027.08. National Research Foundation of Korea 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다. 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다. 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다. 데이터가 존재하지 않습니다. 실험실습 연구실 소개 Introduction of Lab. (연구실 소개) Introduction of Lab. (연구실 소개) Research Project (연구과제) Multiscale Flow Control Lab Research Area Fluid Mechanics Details Microfluidics, Flow Visualization, Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Project (연구과제) Period (연구기간) Organization (주관기관명) Details (내용 및 특징) Development of acousofluidic core technology for hydrogel droplet control and its biomedical application 2020.06. ~ 2023.02. National Research Foundation of Korea Advanced medical device research center for cardiovascular disease 2020.06. ~ 2027.02. National Research Foundation of Korea Development of microfluidic technologies for NED separation 2021.03. ~ 2023.02. SAMSUNG DISPLAY Modular Platform for automation and multi-functional integration 2021.01. ~ 2023.12. National NanoFab Center Development of Medical Microrobot Technologies for Commercialization 2022.01. ~ 2022.12. Ministry of Health and Welfare Thermal and Flow Visualization of Microchannel Heat Exchanger and Heat Transfer Enhancement 2021.10. ~ 2022.04. Gwangju-Jeonnam Regional Innovation Platform Gwangju Bitgreen Industrial Complex 2019.10. ~ 2025.06. Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Innovative Research and Education Center for Future Mechanical Engineers 2020.09. ~ 2027.08. National Research Foundation of Korea Go to list