• Life at CNU
  • Student Counseling
  • Yeosu

Student Counseling



학생생활상담실에서는 우리학교 학생들이 대학생활을 하면서 겪게 되는 다양한 문제들을 원만하게 해결하여 대학생활에 보다 잘 적응하고, 심리적으로 건강하게 지낼 수 있도록 다양한 활동을 하고 있습니다. 여수캠퍼스 재학생이라면 누구나 학생생활상담실의 다양한 프로그램에 참여 할 수 있습니다.
각종 심리검사를 받을 수 있으며, 심리적 성장을 위한 개인상담과 집단상담도 참여할 수 있습니다. 비용은 무료입니다.
전문성을 갖춘 상담자들이 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다.


  • 전문 상담선생님과의 1:1 상담, 주 1회 50분
  • 내용: 정신건강(우울, 불안), 성격, 연애 및 성, 대인관계, 가정문제 등


  • 성격, 학습, 스트레스 관련 검사 등을 온라인·오프라인 실시

검사 종류

검사종류 내용 소요시간
성격5요인검사 본 검사는 개방성, 성실성, 외향성, 신경증 등 총 5가지 차원에서 성격을 설명하고, 정신건강, 학업 성취, 학습방법, 생활에서의 만족감, 심리적 장애 등을 진단해줍니다. 45분
자기조절학습검사 학업성취도에 영향을 줄 수 있는 다양한 심리적 요인들에 대해 분석하여 학습전략뿐 아니라 학습자의 대학생활적응과 관련된 상태가 포함되어 있어 학습자의 장단점 이해를 도울 수 있습니다. 50분
통합스트레스검사 개인이 일상생활에서 경험하는 스트레스 수준과 스트레스에 취약한 요인을 어느 정도 가지고 있는지 알려줍니다. 이를 통해 일상생활에서 경험하는 스트레스 영역을 알아볼 수 있습니다. 30분


  • 타인을 이해하고 내적 성장을 위한 만남, 주 1회 2시간
  • 내용: 자아성장프로그램, 진로탐색, 자기표현훈련 등


유형 신청절차 비고
개인상담 취업·진로 (http://capd.jnu.ac.kr) ⇒ 상담 ⇒ 신청 · 방문 신청 가능(학생회관 2층 208-1호 학생생활상담실)
· 전화 신청 가능 (T: 061-659-6214)
심리검사 취업·진로 (http://capd.jnu.ac.kr) ⇒ 상담 ⇒ 신청
집단상담 취업·진로 (http://capd.jnu.ac.kr) ⇒ 상담 ⇒ 신청



  • 여수캠퍼스 학생회관 2층
  • Tel: 061-659-6214

Student Life Counseling Office

The Student Life Counseling Office (http://counsel.jnu.ac.kr) is dedicated to helping our university students resolve various issues they may encounter during their time at university, enabling them to adapt better and maintain their psychological well-being. All current students are welcome to participate in the center's diverse programs, including a range of psychological assessments, as well as individual and group counseling aimed at personal growth. Best of all, all services are free of charge. Our qualified counselors are here to support you.

Individual Counseling

  • One-on-One Support: A 50-minute personalized session with a professional counselor, held once a week
  • Means of Counseling: Online
  • Language: English
  • Focus areas: A wide range of topics including mental health (depression, anxiety), personality, relationships, sexuality, interpersonal issues, family problems, etc.
  • Cost: Free of Charge

Psychological Assessments

  • Various assessments related to personality, learning, and stress are available. Students can apply online and complete these assessments during designated times.
  • Cost: Free of Charge

Types of Assessments

Types Content Time Required
Five-Factor Personality Assessment This assessment evaluates personality across five dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. It also diagnoses mental health, academic achievement, learning strategies, life satisfaction, and psychological disorders. 45 minutes
Self-Regulated Learning Assessment The assessment analyzes various psychological factors that may influence academic performance. It includes not only learning strategies but also aspects related to the student’s adjustment to university life, helping to identify the student’s strengths and weaknesses. 50 minutes
Comprehensive Stress Assessment It assesses the level of stress an individual experiences in daily life and identifies factors that contribute to vulnerability to stress. This helps to pinpoint the specific areas of stress encountered in everyday situations. 20 to 30 minutes

Group Counseling

  • Group Sessions: Weekly meetings held once a week for 2 hours, focused on fostering personal growth and understanding others
  • Focus areas: Reducing presentation anxiety, self-expression training, ego development programs, etc.
  • Cost: Free of Charge

How to Apply for Counseling Services

Types Application Procedure
Individual Counseling
(Online Only)

Option 1: Online Application

  1. Visit the Student Life Counseling Center website: https://counsel.jnu.ac.kr
  2. Click on “Guide to Completing the Counseling Application Form”.
  3. Download “Counseling Application Form” in the pop-up window on the main page.
  4. Review the attached file “Online Psychological Counseling Application Guide for International Students”.
  5. Complete both “Individual Counseling Application Form” and “Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement Form”.
  6. Send the completed application forms to the Student Life Counseling Center via email at jnucounsel@gmail.com

Option 2: Phone or In-Person Application

  1. Call the Student Life Counseling Center at 061-659-6214 or visit in person.
  2. Confirm your personal information, including your enrollment status.
  3. The counseling application form and instructions will be sent to you via email.
  4. Complete the form and return it to the center.
Psychological Assessment

Career Services (http://capd.jnu.ac.kr)

Group Counseling

Career Services (http://capd.jnu.ac.kr)

Forms Download
Online Psychological Counseling Application Guide for International Students Webpage
Psychological Assessment Application Form Download
Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement Form Download


Student Life Counseling Office

  • Location: Student Union Building 2nd Floor, Suite 208-1 Yeosu Campus
  • Telephone: +82-61-659-6214